Whether your mother is loving or distant, caring or critical, this is a place to stop and reflect about the challenge of that maternal bond.
All daughters and mothers are welcome!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Improve Your Connection!

It's simple really.
Want to improve your connection with your mother or daughter?
Just spend some quality time with them.

Make some happy memories.
Purpose to do something that brings them joy!
What do they like to do?
Go to the movies?  Go to a park?  Make crafts?
Don't fret over mishaps or challenging logistics...learn to laugh at yourself and
the joy will grow.

Here are some Moms and Daughters at a recent "GIRL TALK" event at my church.  I'm tickled that our Ladies' Ministry leaders are serious about promoting mother/daughter time.  It is soooooo important!!!

So, what can you do today to grow your relationship with your loved one?
How about next week?
Over the holidays?

I'm praying that you will be creative, keep it simple and have some fun.
GOD bless you!

1 comment:

  1. I SO need this. My daughters live hours away from me. It's been hard & I'm open to ideas! My "Two Daughters and a Mom" facebook group is one of my attempts...
