Whether your mother is loving or distant, caring or critical, this is a place to stop and reflect about the challenge of that maternal bond.
All daughters and mothers are welcome!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tethered to His Grace

I was on the phone with my oldest grandson yesterday.  Amos is almost six years old and homeschooled.  He says the most delightful and intriguing things!  You know, out of the mouths of babes.

There is usually some commotion going on at his house, with 3 little boys under the age of six, rough and tumble is the ever present "background" noise.  After a few moments asking about his day, I requested he take the phone to his Mom, so I could speak with my daughter.  With a slightly flustered sigh, Amos took stock of his limitations and declared:

"But we're plugged into the wall here!" 

It was hilarious to hear this little one, raised on cordless phones and cell phones, exclaim such a frustrating situation.  He was telling me he couldn't get his mom on the phone because he was tethered to one spot by the battery charger.  How precious!  How convicting!

Am I unable to please my Heavenly Father because I am tethered to my selfishness?
Does resentment or grief tether me when I could be set free?
Today I'm going to get "charged" up by GOD's Word first thing, so that I can freely move in Grace!
How about you?


  1. So true: "Out of the mouths of babes." Good insights.


  2. Oh wow....I needed to hear this today...Thanks for sharing this today, sweet friend!!!! :)
